2015 – The Year Where Everything Happened

2015 was insane for me. Even acquaintances know a lot happened. And close friends know how absolutely crazy the entire year was for me.

The past year, I have seen myself hit one of my lowest points, yet also one of my highest. It’s been a roller coaster, but I’m so happy it happened.

My year started off with turning 25 in the mountains, doing one of my favorite things – snowboarding. It was one of the best birthdays I’ve had, even if it was spent with a now-ex-boyfriend.

All of January and February was spent writing code and analyzing my data. And watching my relationship begin to crumble.

But I also got to witness the friendship between my dog and niece begin.

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The end of February was my first experience presenting on my research. I gave a seminar to the School of Biomedical Engineering, and it went incredibly well. I suddenly began to feel less stress for my future defense.

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A month later, I presented my research at my first conference. It for the American Society of Sports Medicine, and while it was just a poster, it was still a big deal to me.

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Fast forward to the beginning of April. An argument about a hike is what triggered my relationship ending. Sure, we had been building up to it, but it’s crazy to think that that’s what ended up being the final straw. I wrote a bit about it a few months ago. The future I envisioned came crumbling down all around me. I was thrown into a deep depression and spent day after day crying. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or focus on my research work. The worst part? I had to continue living with him for 2 months.

I had to drag myself out of it and give my first podium presentation at a conference. Presented at the Rocky Mountain chapter of the American Society of Biomechanics. Everyone complimented my presentation and I was ecstatic. It was the first time I had truly smiled that entire month.

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Came home, was lead on, killed all emotions I felt, and buckled down to finish writing my thesis. Basically, the more I focused on my work, the less I focused on everything else. This resulted in writing the bulk of my thesis in a matter of weeks. And to top it off, I prepared a full thesis defense within a matter of days.

Joule was kind enough to let me practice my defense on her and her friends.

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That brings me to the highlight of the year, of my life, actually.

My thesis defense was so successful that I wasn’t prepared for it to be that successful.

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“Graduated” that same day, May 15th. I didn’t defend in time to technically graduate, but they still let me participate in commencement.

Took off a few days later for a road trip through New Mexico with my best friend at my side. Single greatest semi-spontaneous decision of my life.

When driving to get coffee one morning in Albuquerque, I realized just how happy I was with my life. The exact song that was playing was Ride by Twenty One Pilots, and every time I hear it, I feel happy.

A week after my return, I was flown out to Memphis for an interview. Not many people knew about it. Ended up not getting the job, but it was still an experience I’m happy I went through.

For the 4th of July, I sat on top of the fermenters at Odell Brewing to watch the fireworks. Pros of having friends in the brewing industry. Ended up being locked up on the roof temporarily, thankfully someone unlocked the door.

Spent the summer drinking beer and going on adventures. Really can’t complain there.


Ran Warrior Dash for the 3rd time.

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I climbed my first 14er – Mt. Bierstadt.

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I even drank naked in a river. I mean, I had to. How else should you drink a beer called Birthday Suit? Of course there’s pictures,  but, those are for my eyes only.

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Went to GABF for my 3rd year in a row. Ended up trying around 30 different beers within 2 hours.

Left the next day for some peak foliage sight seeing in Crested Butte. These were some of the most breathtaking views I’ve ever seen.

Was able to hold the American flag on the field for a Broncos game for a 3rd year in a row.


I met my absolute favorite metal band, All That Remains, when they came to Fort Collins at the end of November. Definitely fangirled a little hard.

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At the beginning of December, I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer at Breck for Ski Spec, which was a week-long event for disabled athletes to come participate in winter activities. Spent a few days helping assembled monoski chairs and hanging out with pro-athletes.

Sent a Christmas card featuring my dog all over the world for her fans.


Ended up spending the full weekend before Christmas as Bro Reindeer at various bars around Fort Collins. Worth it.

Found out that a health issue I’ve been trying to get my body to fight for 3 years is finally fully 100% gone. It wasn’t a huge deal that I had it, but, it was starting to get worse, and the longer it’s around the less likely it is that your body is actually going to fight it. So, after 3 years, I had kind of accepted it. Huge weight off my shoulders to hear that everything was finally normal.

A lot happened this year. I had a lot of successes, and a lot of failures. But everything I went through has lined me up for 2016. I know what’s going to happen in 2016, although I’m not sure the specifics. I’m excited to find out what it is, I’m excited for the journey.

2015 was the year where my life fell apart and I made due with the pieces. It was the year that I chose to live life to the fullest.

2016 is going to be the year where everything falls into place. Where I get to show the world what I’m made of and what I’m capable of.

Goodbye 2015, hello 2016.


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